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The Stables Theatre is looking to add more multimedia productions online. Below you will find links to these.

They Include a tour of our wonderful theatre and the Old Town from the air.


Click the links below to hear all the latest from The Stables Theatre







More Podcasts HERE

May 2022

The Voyage – 1066 Youth Theatre August 2021

Picture Perfect – Performances                         8th to 10th July 2021

Click here to view Digital Programme

Work in progress – Anna Helena McLean

Life Story – Sophie-Louise Dann

One of the songs performed at The Stables before Christmas 2020 …

Sophie-Louise Dann


Simon Beck



The link below is to the youtube live stream of Avalanche by Oyster Creatives.  This piece was rehearsed/ filmed and streamed from the Stables Theatre.



For Hastings Old Town Carnival Week the Stables Theatre produced five bedtime stories, written by Ed Boxall and read by members of the Theatre. During the week the stories were viewed over 5,000 times and are now part of the theatres on line presence.