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glengarry glen ross


You are cordially invited to take part in an informal play-reading on
8th July 2023, 7.30pm at The Stables.

The Stables Theatre is considering a production of this acclaimed play, which would be directed by Jane Richardson.

Taking part in the reading won’t guarantee you a part if the play is produced, but it’s a chance for you to register your interest in a potential production, and will help us to see if the play could be a ‘go-er’ for the 2024 season.

The language is colourful, full of expletives, and frequently non-PC; definitely not for the faint-hearted! It’s an all-male cast.

Contact or for more info, and to let us know if you’d like to read, or simply be part of an audience.

Both a Pulitzer Prize-winning play and an Academy Award nominated movie, GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS is a classic of 20th century American drama.
Famous for its snappy, no-holds-barred, say-it-like-it-is dialogue and its sharp, didn’t-see-that-coming plot twists, GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS stage productions have starred James Bolam, Ron Cook, Christian Slater, Robert Glenister and Don Warrington, amongst many other big theatre names…and of course the brilliant 1992 movie showcased legendary Hollywood luminaries such as Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon and Ed Harris.

Set in a grubby 1980s downtown real estate office, competition is fierce among the desperate salesmen, who will use everything from charm and cajoling to outright lies to win the big-money contracts.

There’s a contest taking place in the sale office – first place on the week’s leaderboard gets you a Cadillac, second place a set of steak knives; third place gets you fired.

The play charts the events over a night and a day, as a plan to steal the office’s best and most crucial sales leads is hatched on the slow-burn, leading to chaos, confusion, and an unexpected, crushing climax.


Every single part in this play is terrific. The salesmen themselves could come from anywhere in the USA, so simply bring along your best American accent.


Salesman, age 30s-40s. Smart, charming, suave, quick-thinking and confident. Has been the most successful salesman in recent times, and as such, is given the best leads which keep him at the top of the sales board. Always selling, even when he’s eating dinner in the local
Chinese restaurant. Presents himself as a friend and confidante to his
clients, but he only really cares about one thing – himself.


Salesman, age 40s-60s. Shelley used to be the greatest, the legend, the one the others looked up to, but his luck has turned and he hasn’t had a break in a long time. His excuse is he’s given bad leads to follow, but the truth is that his sales technique is out of date and
ineffective. He’s desperate to get back on the leader board and start earning some serious money again.

GEORGE AARANOW: Salesman, age 40s-60s. Aaranow seems the least dishonest of all the salesmen, and acknowledges his own shortcomings. Quieter than the others, more thoughtful and perhaps less inclined to take risks but would rather stick to what’s true and proven, he’d never consider anything underhand or devious to gain advantage. Or would he….?


Salesman, age 30s-50s. Bombastic, hard and brittle, Moss has a short fuse at the best of times, but now he’s seething and furious about the
sales competition. He’d like to get back at the business owners, Mitch and Murray, for their audacity in treating someone as good as him in such a dismissive, patronising way. The question is – just what lengths will he got to to get his revenge?


Client, age 30s-50s. Lingk is the unsuspecting customer, the one taken in by all the sales pitch. Malleable, possibly weak, he’s an ideal
target, and easy to get to sign on the dotted line. But there is an unseen force controlling Lingk, and he unwittingly plays a major part in a salesman’s downfall.


Office Manager, age 30s-50s. The salesmen see him as the ‘company man,’ the one who does the paperwork and the dirty work. But he controls the sales leads, so it’s in their best interests to have him on their side. Not as squeaky clean as he might first appear…?


Detective, age 30s-50s. Called in to interrogate the salesmen after
the burglary at the office. Smaller but vital role, could suit an Acting ASM.

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