Why become a Stables Theatre member?
Stables membership helps us keep you informed of everything happening at the Theatre and it saves you money. Your membership entitles you to:
- Members enjoy up to £5 discount on most shows.*.
- Receive an email reminder before each production.
- Receive our three What’s On Brochures each year by email.
- Vote at our AGM.
- Volunteer with us.
Concessions Membership
Following consultation with local groups the Stables now offers a free membership for people with a disability.
This membership will allow the qualifying individual to buy their ticket, and their carer’s ticket at membership prices for that event/performance. Both tickets must be purchased at the same time.
To qualify for the concession individuals must be in receipt of and provide evidence for once of the following benefits:
- Disability Living Allowance
- Personal Independent Payment
- Registered as Blind
Individuals must register at the BOX OFFICE for this membership prior to purchasing any show tickets bringing the evidence documentation, dated within 8 months. Electronic or photocopies will be acceptable.
The membership will be ongoing but copies of current documentation must be supplied annually to continue.
Only one offer, discount or concession can be applied to each ticket sold.
How much does it cost?
Adult membership costs just £15 per year and £3 for under-18s.**
You can cancel your membership at any time by informing us and your bank.
How do I join?
Choose from one of the following options:
- Visit the Box Office at The Stables Theatre, The Bourne, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3BD.
- Telephone (01424) 423221.
- Online membership applications can be made using GoCardless
Please note: It may take a few days before GOCARDLESS applicants are able to book members tickets online.
* Members’ tickets are not transferable to non-members.
** Associate membership for under-18s excludes AGM voting rights.