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Barefoot And Fashion Free : Isadora Duncan


“Virtuous people are simply those who have not been tempted sufficiently”

Born in San Francisco in the late Victorian period, Isadora Duncan knew
that something different was meant for her in life; she would break free of 
The Rules.
She felt contempt towards the rigidity of the ballet class, claiming it “ugly and against nature”. She wanted her “modern” dance style to be free and natural; “Nature is the source of the dance. The movement of the waves, of winds, of the earth is ever in the same lasting harmony.”

Isadora lived her life against convention, in the way she dressed, danced and loved. Her revolutionary stance against society made her equally pioneering as a feminist and artist.

Barefoot and Fashion Free tells the story of her extraordinary life through dance, film and the piano music of Chopin, Debussy, Satie, and Schubert.

An Alex Metcalfe Production

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