BOX OFFICE: 01424 423221

AUDITION NOTICE – Three pieces by Harold Pinter

Audition Date: Sunday 14th May @ 10.30am

Performance Dates: 24 & 25 August 7.30pm. 26 August 2.30pm and 7.30pm

Director: Dominic Campbell

Beth/Controller/Woman – 40s/50s age range

Duff/Driver/Man – 40s/50s age range


Beth and Duff. A play of individual memories.

Victoria Station

A driver who has lost his way and doesn’t know where Victoria Station is.

The controller who has to ensure he gets there.


A couple remember their first walk together.

There are some things one remembers even though they may never have happened. There are things I remember which may never have happened but as I recall them so they take place – Old Times

Please pick a 3 – 4 page piece which you wish to audition with from one of the three plays above. You may also be asked to read another piece at the audition.



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