Fiction Romance / Toby Belch
Telephone Booking Only 01424-423221
Please read Latest Visitor Information for the Theatre click here
We are continuing to manage the theatre with either socially distanced or ‘bubbled’ performances. This performance will be one act of approximately 60 minutes with no interval.
Socially Distanced Seating Plan click here
(Seats will be sold as shown on seating plan)
Fiction Romance
Antonio, Shakespeare’s most openly gay character, cloaks his love for the saved Sebastian, in a salt seaweed wrap of a sailor’s dream, tossing and turning, on the tempestuous seas of a younger man, longing for his own John Swann.
Written and directed by John Knowles.
Featuring Patrick Kealey, with song by Bob Tipler
***A magnificent piece of writing that just jumped from the page – Michelle Donkin (Ironclad).
Toby Belch (is unwell)

He could have been any Shakespearean character … He could!
He could have been, Hamlet, but oh no, here he is, a drunken buffoon, a belch!
Written and directed by John Knowles.
Featuring Sidney Kean (Girl from the North Country, Berberien sound studio)
***Winner of the Ironclad New Creative Writing Bursary 2021
***Shadow of the Rose Edinburgh Fringe 2019
***Edinburgh Fringe Festival Derek Award – Time Please
***Caliban’s Codex – Brighton Fringe –