‘Arsenic and Old Lace’
by Joseph Kesselring.
Playing Dates: 2nd to 10th February 2018
Auditions: Sunday 15th October 2017 at 6pm
Director: Leslie Adams
This is the classic comedy thriller which has had audiences laughing in their seats for many years. Macabre and worrying if it could really happen but, bizarre and surreal it may be, it’s a joy to play in or to view as an audience.
There are many roles to be filled. They are as follows :-
Abby Brewster & Martha Brewster (Late 60s to 70s)
Two sweet, charming and gentle old ladies who also have homicidal tendencies – all done in the nicest possible taste of course!
Teddy Brewster (40s)
A nephew who believes that he is Theodore Roosevelt, sometimes as the Colonel of the ‘Rough Riders’ or at others as President of the United States of America.
Mortimer Brewster (25-30)
The youngest nephew, whose major fault is being a theatre critic. Uncovers the unfortunate happenings around him and tries his best to rectify. Our hero!
Jonathan Brewster (50s)
The eldest nephew who has been away for a long time after an unpleasant and destructive childhood. A large man, who after plastic surgery, now has another and unfortunate face, shortly to be changed yet again.
Dr. Herman Einstein (50 – 60)
A small man and the plastic surgeon who is responsible for Jonathan’s face. Is he genuine or not? Speaks with a German accent.
Elaine Harper (20-30)
Mortimer’s fiancée. Has trouble understanding his mood changes though she loves him. One of the most sensible characters in the play.
Rev’d Dr, Harper (50-60)
Her father. Quite happy with his daughter’s engagement though he thinks theatre is an inappropriate profession, likewise a journalist frequenting the same.
Officer Brophy & Officer Klein (30-40)
Two American cops. As friends of the two sisters they call to collect toys for the Children’s Fund and return later for other reasons.
Officer O’Hara (30-40)
This copper speaks with an Irish accent. He has written a thriller drama and tries it out, at length on Mortimer, whilst forgetting his own duty call in.
Lt. Rooney (45-50)
Arrives late on with Brophy and Klein to find missing Officer O’Hara.
Mr. Witherspoon (50-60)
The lonely Head of the Happy Dale Institution.
Please note: Elderberry wine will NOT be served on 15 th October – so you will all be safe! Do come along.