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Call for young people aged 11 plus, to form a new theatre

‘Youth Board’

The Stables Theatre in Hastings, is about to establish a new youth board to meet on a monthly basis and devise an activity programme that will appeal to young people locally.

Members of the new board will have access to funding to organise a range of workshops that can include performance, lighting and sound, filming, costume and scenery design as well as other  sessions that young people feel will be of interest to others.

Members will also have funding to organise a creative writing programme also developing stories and scripts for performances.

What will young members gain from the involvement  ?

The chance to create podcasts and films
The opportunity to develop a youth friendly programme of activities in the theatre
The chance to devise performance pieces
AQA accreditation for completed work
The chance to produce E-books of written pieces
Free theatre tickets

If you are interested in being involved, please contact Claire either by email on :

or by text to : 07732 473668

We can then organise a meeting at the theatre to explore the opportunities in more detail

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