Becoming Maverick
An original and invented creative prequel inspired by Daphne Du Maurier’s Rebecca.Becoming Mavericktells an imagined backstory of a young Mrs Danvers before she arrives at Manderly.
Becoming Maverickis a tale of a woman’s undaunting resilience to survive at all costs. Thrust, from a young age, into a world of neglect and abuse, Danni is forced to pit her wits against the hostility of a world designed to ensure that its victims remain oppressed and voiceless. Against all odds, Danni finds ways to buck an intolerable fate and ruthlessly carves out a place among the elite. This is a tale of how corrupted innocence and societal injustice coerces its casualties to make savage choices; to sink through the cracks into inevitable destitution or to cold-bloodedly forge ahead by any means possible byBecoming Maverick.It is 1919. A child is found locked in a trunk on a cargo ship in Southampton. A dead woman clutches a letter beside it. A newborn infant is missing. The child with no name is sent to an orphanage asylum. Driven by shadowy memories, the young girl battles against outrageous injustice and societal iniquity. Embroiled with a family fractured by the corrupting decadence of dark secrets and wealth, she is driven to weather the storms of unimaginable consequences. Karma is a dish best served cold and this woman is glacial.Becoming Maverick – the journey of a woman who learns to twist the knife of fate. But this isn’t the end. Her story is just beginning… with a secret that no-one can know.Award Winning performer and writer (Best Female Actor) HEATHER ALEXANDER, takes us on a roller coaster journey of emotions with her latest show.
Previous shows include :ROOM ★★★★★HAVISHAM ★★★★★