Audition Notice – White Lead
by Jessica Siân
Director – Jane Midwinter
Assistant Director – Jenny Lloyd-Lyons
Familiarisation evening:
Friday 28th February @ 19:30
Sunday 9 March @ 10:00 – 12:00
Possible Recalls (if necessary): Wednesday 12 March 19:00
Performance Dates:
5 to 8 June 2025
The Stables Theatre
(Including 14:30 Sunday Matinee)
A little about me – I’m delighted to be directing White Lead by Jessica Siân as part of the Women’s Festival in June 2025 at The Stables Theatre. I’ve been a member at The Stables for two years and am part of the Programming and Production Team (formerly PAG). My first encounter with The Stables was when I worked on Breaking the Code as Assistant Stage Manager in charge of props; that was a lot of fun! Christmas Carol came next, and I thoroughly enjoyed being Assistant Director supporting Neil Sellman on that wonderful production.
I have acted in a number of shows for The Fairlight Players (many moons ago!) as well as community plays and have been involved with several other theatre groups and drama workshops over the years. Working in schools throughout my career, I have had many opportunities to write for and direct school productions and I am currently Assistant Director for Mayfly. As well as working in the theatre, I have a passion for poetry and art which is what attracted me to this play.
I am looking for three actors – all female parts – who are keen to work hard and work together with us to produce a dynamic play to be performed in the round.
A little about White Lead
What does it mean to be a woman in art?
According to The Tate, 78 per cent of the galleries in London represent more men than women, while only 5 per cent represent an equal number of male and female artists.
White Lead is a short play exploring the expectations and responsibilities of being an artist and a woman. It was first performed at Hampstead Theatre, London, in November 2016, as part of the Women Centre Stage festival, produced by Sphinx Theatre, demonstrating the range, depth and richness of women’s writing for the stage.
In this play, power and vulnerability collide, as three women share their innermost thoughts over dinner … that no-one actually eats!
All “playing ages” will be considered. All three roles are challenging parts and great opportunities to demonstrate a range of emotions, albeit sometimes hidden. Each character is on stage for the majority of the play.
Venni – Female Artist, 45 – 55
Venni has an all-consuming passion for her work as an artist, but others see her as selfish? Can she be an artist as well as a mother? Does she have a choice? Her former student and partner Carol believes she does and makes a request Venni finds difficult to answer.
Dido – Venni’s adopted daughter, 22 – 35
Dido is seeking clarity about her life with Venni. She believes the reason Venni adopted her was for an art project that Venni was working on at the time. In the course of the play, Dido reveals why she has brought the three women together and in so doing exposes some uncomfortable truths – but she seeks approval all the same.
Carol – Venni’s former student, assistant and partner, 35 – 45
Carol felt she always came second to Venni’s art. An artist in her own right, she has set this aside to assist Venni with her work. Carol sees herself as a mother figure to Dido. She has protected Dido in the past, but with Dido’s new revelation over dinner, Carol is conflicted.
Audition pieces will be taken from the script and are available in advance.
Please complete the Audition Application Form to book your audition.
I am happy to answer any queries. Meanwhile you can text, email or call me – Jane Midwinter:
07545 309200
The production will rehearse on mutually agreed times on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and on Sundays. All cast members will not be required at every rehearsal but will have to be available to attend technical and dress rehearsals from Monday 2nd June 2025.
Rehearsals will start approximately mid March 2025.
Jane Midwinter
“And yet here we are, you looking for approval, me begging for scraps and Ven … desperate to get back to the studio. Aren’t you?”