THE HOLLOW by Agatha Christie
Directed by Rodney Figaro –
THE AUDITIONS – Sunday, November 27th at 3pm at the Stables Theatre, the Bourne.
Playing Dates – March 24th– April 1st, 2023
Rehearsals On Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons commencing in Mid- January. Rehearsals will be at, or close to, the Stables Theatre. Until the later stages of rehearsal, calls will be mainly for small groups or two-handers. No one will be called for every rehearsal. Please state at the Auditions any dates on which you would be unable to rehearse – or any other acting commitments you have during our rehearsal period. N.B. Your full availability will be required in the two weeks preceding our opening night.
THE HOLLOW is a classic Christie “whodunnit” – a country-house murder mystery where the family, each of whom has a credible motive, is assembled for the weekend. A murder is discovered and the path to disclosure is strewn with red-herrings. Excellent opportunities for a diverse range of characters – the dotty grande dame of the house, the adulterous doctor, the inscrutable Detective Inspector, the glamorous Hollywood film star, the imperturbable butler, the comic maid…. The play was first performed in 1951 and our production will be placed firmly in that period.
The Characters Please note that the ages given here are very approximate – please do not be deterred from auditioning if you fall outside these suggestions….
LORD ANGKATELL Affable pipe-smoking ex-Governor of a province in India. Now retired to the tranquillity of his country home, The Hollow. Good humoured and indulgent towards his lady-wife. 60’s or older.
LADY ANGKATELL Charming and personable but becoming forgetful and scatty. Similar age to her husband.
JOHN CRISTOW Distinguished Harley Street doctor. Polished and cynical but abrupt and even cruel towards his adoring wife. Serial adulterer (see Henrietta and Veronica below). Mid 40’s – early 50s.
GERDA, his wife A timid, retiring creature, lacking in self-confidence but devoted to John. Similar age or younger.
MIDGE HARVEY The poor cousin of the family. Proud and independent, she works in a dress shop rather than accept charity from Lord and Lady A. Age between 30 and 40.
EDWARD The inheritor of the Angkatell estate. He is bookish, un-worldly and self-deprecating. Mid 40’s.
HENRIETTA Independent, clever artist. Has had a past affair with John Cristow (see above). Mid 30’s – early 40s.
VERONICA CRAYE A rising Hollywood film-star, briefly filming in England. Predatory and ruthless. Glamourous – in her 30’s. American accent preferred.
GUDGEON Imperturbable old-school butler, devoted to Lady A. Middle-aged or older – he has been in service for many years.
DORIS The maid – young, perhaps in her teens – inexperienced and being trained by Gudgeon. A comedy role.
INSPECTOR COLQUHOUN Scotland Yard’s finest. Courteous, methodical with a keen mind. 40’s or 50’s.
SARGEANT PENNY The Inspector’s assistant. Bright, cheeky and with an eye for the parlourmaids. 20’s or 30’s.
VOICES (‘phone operator/dress shop proprietor) Both brief roles and can be played by one actor – …………………….. French accent required for one.
N.B. In keeping with the culture of the 1950’s, a minimum amount of cigarette smoking will be required although this will be faked where possible.
N.B. Some mild physical intimacy (i.e. a credible embrace and kiss) is required between John and Henrietta . Not required at the auditions.
AUDITION PIECES : The passages below refer to the Samuel French Acting Edition (ISBN:9780573011825) on sale from Samuel French Ltd/Concord Theatricals (£10.99)
Copies of the script can be obtained from the Stables on receipt of a £10 deposit.
THE HOLLOW Audition Pieces – Corrections to page numbers.
The page numbers for the audition pieces given below were taken from an earlier edition of the play and do not relate to the new edition which is now available at the theatre.
So…… for page 3 please read page 9. Page 6 becomes page 13. Page 12 becomes page 21. Page 56 becomes page 77. Page 49 is now page 68. Page 87 is now page 120. Page 37 becomes page 53. And page 76 becomes 105.
Lord A & Henrietta p3 Henrietta – “What did Lucy say?” to p4 Henrietta – “….I must go and wash.”
Lady A & Midge (top of p6 Lady A – “Thank you, darling….” to p7 Midge – “.…Edward for ……. the weekend, Lucy?”
Gudgeon & Doris p12 Gudgeon – “Well, fold the papers, Doris…” to p13 Dori s – “Picking up that lobster now.”
Inspector C & Sgt Penny top of p56 Inspector – “They all know something, Penny, but they’re not telling us.” to foot of p56 Sergeant – “….work on her now, Sir, if you don’t want me.”
Edward, Henrietta, Midge p49 Edward – “It’s not so warm as yesterday.” to p52 Midge – “…You never look at me.”
Gerda (plus Henrietta) foot of p87 Gerda – “They always said I was stupid….” to p88 “……I had to kill John.”
Veronica & John p37 Veronica – “I sent you a note asking you….” to p39 John – “…wouldn’t like very much if you did know him”
Voice/s & Midge p76 Midge – “Hullo. Is that Madame?” to p77 Voice – “….plenty of girls who would be ‘appy to ‘ave
For further information please contact the Director at –