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GAME PLAN By Alan Ayckbourn

Directed by Ross Drury

Trained at the National Theatre Studio, East 15 and Moscow Arts Theatre Ross is a director who enjoys a playful yet thorough rehearsals process. He has directed plays in Edinburgh, London and Milan and around the UK with award winning results. He is currently creative Director of The Mini Playhouse, artistic director of Living Record ( Love and Information: The Stables) and Associate Director for The Pantaloons Theatre company.

This production will at times be uncomfortable to watch, it is a coming together of high farcical set piece and challenging themes. One part a comedy, one part social commentary, at times dipping its toe into the absurd. Taken from a trilogy of plays called Damsels in Distress Game Plan explores female characters which are wrestling with circumstances that find them through no fault of their own. .

Key Dates and Information

Rehearsals will take place on Wednesday evenings and Sundays starting January leading up to the performance in May
Please email if you require a breakdown of dates for the production or have any other questions.
A script is available by email
Extracts for the audition will be emailed over in advance
If you require a full script please email Ross and he can send a digital copy

Game Plan by Alan Ayckbourn

Former businesswoman Lynette has fallen on hard times. Her million pound business has collapsed and her ex husband has run off with the intern. Her daughter Sorrel decides to take matters into her own hands and advertises herself online. A visit from a retired dry cleaner owner does not go to plan. Set in the throws of the early noughties, Nokia phones and pink champagne are the back drop to an uncomfortable dark-hearted farce of cracked morality, where everything is up for sale.

Parts available.

Sorrel Saxon
A bright schoolgirl who is affected by her father’s recent abandonment. Sorrel is loyal, strong willed and gifted with an independent mind. The relationship with her mother is fracturing but it is clear she loves her. Not afraid to speak her mind Sorrel is the centre point of the story whose personal circumstances make for some questionable choices throughout.  Playing age 16 – 21

Lynette Saxon
Her mother, a former successful businesswoman whose life is on the slide. Debts, dramatic professional failure and reeling from the recent separation with her husband turns her head to cigarettes and drink. Lynette argues with her daughter and appears under siege. Playing age 38 – 50

Kelly Butcher Sorrel’s friend
A schoolgirl and prefect. Determined to prove her loyalty to her best friend whatever the cost Kelly is put out of her depth by Sorrels plans. An unwilling partner in crime she finds herself a victim of circumstances scared to let her parents down. playing age 16-21

Leo Tyler a retired dry cleaner.
Leo chooses precarious means to heal the wounds of his late wife. Oblivious to advances made towards him Leo enjoys a long winding speech about his own life. His career as a dry cleaner has left Leo with keen nose for detergent and the rub of chemicals on clothes.Playing age forty

Dan Endicott a police detective sergeant
A copper with an agenda and a clear mind on criminals. Playing age forties ·

Grace Page a WPC,
An evangelical police woman with a keen mind for biblical scripture. Playing age thirties

Troy Stephens
A tabloid journalist who seeks the truth and offers hope to those forgotten. Playing age thirties or forties

Auditions will take place at the Stables Theatre on
Sunday 17th December 10am – 12:30pm
Sunday 14th January  10am – 2pm

Please follow the link below complete this form to confirm and book your attendance

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