Audition Notice – Doubt, A Parable
Director: Hugo Trebels
Assistant Director: Jamie Seaton
Performance dates: Oct 27,2023 to Nov 04, 2023.
Open Auditions (all are welcome to attend).
Audition date: July 23, 2023
at the Stables Theatre, Hastings.
Auditions will start at 10am.
The running of the day will be as follows:
10am till 1pm – first auditions
2pm onwards – call backs
Rehearsal dates: Mainly Tuesday and Thursday evenings7pm to 9.30pm. There will be a couple of Mondays instead of Tuesdays and please expect a couple of Sunday rehearsals. Rehearsals start on August 23, 2023.
Production week – cast call time will be at 6.00pm on performance days (1pm for the matinee performance). There will be a company warm up which is compulsory,and we will strictly adhere to ‘the half’. Please bear this in mind when you audition.
The creative team behind last years’ in the round and stripped back production of ‘Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf’ at The Stables Theatre, come together again to present Doubt, A Parable. Helmed by director Hugo Trebels and assisted by Jamie Seaton, Doubt, A Parable promises to be another exciting and thought provoking evening at the theatre.
“What do you do when you’re not sure?” So asks Father Flynn, the progressive and beloved priest in his sermon. Times are changing, to the chagrin of principal Sister Aloysius. However, when an unconscionable accusation is made against the Father, Sister Aloysius realises that the only way to get justice is to create it herself. And as for the truth of the matter? As Father Flynn says, “Doubt can be a bond as powerful and sustaining as certainty.”
John Patrick Shanley’s play delves into the murky shadows of moral certainty, his characters always balancing on the thin line between truth and its consequences. Doubt: A Parable is an exquisite, potent drama that will raise questions and answer none, leaving the audience to grapple with the discomfort of their uncertainties..
Did he or didn’t he? In an age of ‘Cancel Culture’, when unfounded gossip and innuendo can destroy lives and reputations, how can we condemn without certainty?
Characters (all ages are indicated for guidance)
Sister Aloysius Beauvier
The head nun and principal of St Nicholas School. Driven by a high sense of duty but rigid and conservative, 40s-60s
Father Brendan Flynn
A young priest. Articulate and personable, 20s-30s. Ideally physically fit.
Sister James
A young impressionable nun. Enthusiastic but inexperienced teacher. 20s-30s
Mrs. Muller (black or black/mixed race)
The mother of Donald Muller, the school’s mixed-race student. 30s-40s
Please note: US accent coaching will be provided.
For the audition, please prepare a monologue of your own choosing. For the call backs you will be asked to read scenes from Doubt with a scene partner.
Please contact Hugo on if you have any questions or if you need any help choosing a monologue.
Please do not audition with any scenes from the play.
If you would like to discuss anything – please don’t hesitate to contact Hugo on the above email address.