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Actors Workshops – Continued

We are running a further six sessions which will culminate in a showcase performance in early February 2023.

12th Nov – 10am – 1pm – intro to scene and monologue work, line learning and picking pieces.

26th Nov – 10am – 1pm –  First rehearsals – scene breakdown, character study.

10th Dec – 10am – 1pm –  Blocking and on your feet script in hand. (Extra Rehearsals after)

7th Jan – 10am – 1pm –  Lines learned, physical embodiment, voice work. (Extra Rehearsals after)

21st Jan – 10am – 1pm –  Running the piece in, rhythm and isolating action.  (Extra Rehearsals after)

4th Feb – 10am – 1pm –  Final Runs.

6th Feb – 7pm  – Performance.

The Sessions will be led by Hastings local Chris New.  Chris trained at Rada and, upon graduating, has led companies in the West End, at the RSC and at the National Theatre. He has been critically acclaimed for much of his work and received numerous award nominations over the years.  He also made a breakthrough debut in the now classic film ‘Weekend’.  Pre-covid he taught regularly at the Actor’s Centre in Covent Garden and it is his work there that will form the basis of these classes.

Cost is £65 for all six sessions

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