Tenessee Williams Acting And Directing Group
….part of our festival of Tennessee Williams.
Dates – Sept 7, 14, 21, 28 (10am-1pm)
Oct 5, 12, 19, 26
Nov 2, 9, 16,
Tech, Dress and Performances 18th, 19th & 20th Nov
Cost – £99 All Sessions or £12 per session Pay-As-You-Go (please contact the Box Office)
Actors of any level of experience are welcome to join the class and every class member will be guaranteed a performance on the stage as part of the festival.
We would also – for the first time – like to expand our offer to people who would like to try their hand at directing. You’ll be delegated a portion of the show to help direct and learn the basics of working with actors and building a production. You’ll also play a vital role in installing the show into the theatre and guiding it to opening night.
All participants will be guided through the process by Chris New, the RADA trained actor and playwright who has previously presented The Pilgrim Plays, Harvest and – most recently – The Power Of Love.