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As You Like It


Bowler Crab are back for their first ‘full season’ in almost three years! Celebrating their tenth season to date, the Sussex Shakespeare specialists are on a mission to perform the Bard’s complete works and this year they are touring more shows than ever before, including the romantic comedy: As You Like It.

As You Like It is delightful Comedy with poetry, song, dance and mistaken identity as a young woman, Rosalind, must hide from the law and does so in the Forest of Arden disguised as a man named Ganymede; but what befuddlement will occur when the man of her dreams, Orlando, begins to ask Ganymede for advice on how to woo Rosalind? Throw in three other problematic pairs of lovers and you end up with quite the visit to the woods! Laughter and wit lace this passionate comedy which questions gender roles, argues the importance of happiness and explores the pursuits of love. A full tour indoors and open air across the 1066 area along with festivals summer 2022.

A Bowler Crab Production

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